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Posts Tagged ‘zebra report’

Toss Out That Antiquated Business Plan!

writing out action plan

Agents near and far have been clamoring for a meaty business plan template for 2016. However, my recommendation for 2016 is to keep it short, sweet, and only focus on the action items that are going to bring you business. “But Denise!” they say, “Where do I put my income goals? Where do I put […]

Vision… If You’ve Got It, Flaunt It!

Alannah on horse

This year my daughter, Alannah, went off to college. Hard to believe how fast the years have passed! Something really special and enlightening happened at the end of her senior school year right before she graduated from high school. I received a piece of mail at my home and it was addressed to my daughter. […]

Past Clients: Honoring Your Relationship Long After the Sale Is Over

woman holding annual property review

It is essential that real estate agents pay particular attention to where their business is coming from. If you are an agent who has been in the business five years or longer and you have taken care of your past clients, then you should have a good chunk of business from repeat clients and past […]

It’s the Most Advantageous Time of the Year

woman working

I can feel it in the air… The National Association of REALTORS conference is next week, followed shortly thereafter by Thanksgiving. It’s the feeling of brokers looking forward to turning their attention away from their business and towards family and friends. While others may be smelling gingerbread and stuffing made from scratch, I smell opportunity. […]

What Makes A Strong Market?

upward trend graph

When it comes to HOT or STRONG real estate markets, a simple question often asked is “what makes a market strong?” The obvious answer being … DEMAND, of course. While demand absolutely drives people to buy in certain areas there are reasons for that demand and you have to look beyond the current demand to […]

A Foundation for Success, Your Business Vision

man drawing thru a maze

I have coached many agents over the years and the first question I ask them is, “What is your vision for your business?” Without a clear vision for your business, you’re unlikely to ever achieve your business goals. For example, agents tell me all the time that they want to make so much money so […]

I Don’t Want It Unless Someone Else Wants It!

hand dangling house key

There is an interesting phenomenon occurring in the real estate world that has some agents perplexed. Some of their listings are getting multiple offers while others sit gaining nothing more than additional days on the market. It seems that the more offers that are received on a property the more offers that continue to trickle […]

The Expertise Opportunity

agent guesturing to 2 clients

For this week’s Zebra Report, I’d like to start off with a quick exercise. Ready? Think about the last vendor you were really impressed with. It could be a lender, inspector, or it may not even be someone in the real estate industry. It could be a florist, an interior designer, an accountant, or even […]

Personal Self-Discipline And Freedom – A Winning Combination!

expressing freedom

If you closely follow the footsteps of top producing agents, successful business people, and athletes you will soon realize that the one thing they have in common is personal self-discipline. Some will argue that talent is more important while others who have made it just by sheer hard work will tell you it was their […]

The Empty Pipeline Syndrome

Man holding his head in his hands

Recently, we got a call from a client who had gone from being on top of the world to having a disaster on her hands in a matter of a morning. She had a number of deals that she was handling and they were all imploding for different reasons. Not only was she feeling awful […]

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