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Posts Tagged ‘zebra report’

Persistence is Powerful: Lessons I’ve Learned from Mati

Her name is Matilyn (I call her Mati or Monkey) and she is one of my daughter’s best friends. After years of her spending time in my home and at horse shows together she has become my friend too. In fact, my daughter jokes that when Mati comes to visit, she is really coming to […]


woman multi-tasking

Real estate is a business of managing priorities. I bet if you took a minute and wrote down every possible item that you think you have to do for your business, you would probably have dozens and dozens of “to dos”. Everything from entering last month’s expenses and this year’s taxes to a CMA for […]

A Picture is Worth Thousands of … Dollars?

Woamn taking house photo with tablet

Do you have five minutes? I encourage you to take this time to do a quick tour of your MLS and review the quality of home photography that is passing as “adequate” to someone’s definition (not mine!) this very second. While some agents do an amazing job enlisting the help of a professional photographer, many […]

The Tipping Point

2 houses on tipping scale

Every seller has that moment in time when something happens that pushes them to making a decision to sell. In fact, many sellers don’t even know they want to sell until someone informs them of the benefits of selling. For example, imagine a seller is at home and they retrieve their mail and find a […]

The Dog Ate My Time-Blocking Schedule

dog chewed schedule

How are those New Years’ business resolutions holding up? Did you start off the year with great intentions to get organized and complete those client care and business-building tasks that you know you need to do to succeed? Have you made progress in this arena or are you having some roadblocks? Or did you start […]

Multi-Generational Homes – Big-Time Demand!

mulit-generation family in front of home

Multi-generational homes are increasing in demand across the country. First I want to explain what a multi-generational home is: It is a home that can have multiple families living under one roof in separate spaces. A multi-generational home could house a married couple caring for an older parent, a grandparent living with an adult grandchild, […]

New Construction in High Demand

house under construction

New construction is a major driver of real estate markets nationwide. Without it inventory levels remain lower than normal and house prices can’t help but rise. In order to look forward to what is expected for the spring building market you have to first understand what it takes to build a home. With the average […]

Get Revved Up for 2016

Happy New Year 2016!

Ahhhh!!! Can’t you feel it? 2016 is going to be a great year in real estate! There is so much to look forward to and I am thrilled that you are spending your waning days of 2015 reading this article and getting ready for what the new year has in store for you. If you […]

Lessons from Rudolph: A Top Marketing and Branding Guru

Rudolph Zebra

Today I’d like to introduce you to a marketing guru who is a master of his craft. I myself have learned a lot from him. I’d like to share with you some of the incredible insights I have learned from this branding genius. He is a master of attracting attention, developing a strong brand, and […]

2016 Buyer Preferences

home interior

With each passing year home feature trends shift and change based on buyer demands and lifestyle preferences. Remember when light oak kitchen cabinets were the “in” thing? Today in many areas white kitchen cabinets are the first choice of many buyers and remodelers for its broad appeal. I like to follow the feature trends in […]

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