visual aids | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘visual aids’

Showcasing Your Niche Marketing Expertise at the Listing Presentation

In today’s highly competitive, crazy market, with low inventory – or no inventory – when you actually get a listing presentation appointment, you had better show up and come prepared. Particularly if you have a niche market, you can not show up and “wing it.” You have to have visual aids, the data, and show […]

5 Ways to Wow Your Out-of-Town Buyer

Imagine you had the opportunity to live in another city, a place that you have visited a few times but have never actually lived in. You may have friends or family members that have given you rave reviews about the area but now you must begin the process of researching and finding a place to […]

Finding Success Your Way! (Part 2)

Last week I discussed the top 5 of 10 common denominators that successful real estate agents possess. This week I am unveiling my remaining list of essential elements that a successful real estate agent needs to be utilizing in their business. Don’t forget the key is to find your fit and create YOUR FORMULA FOR […]

Listing Presentation MUST HAVE’S

Gone are the days when you can just saunter into a listing presentation and hope your big smile and sunny personality will win over the potential sellers. The challenge today is that there are too many agents competing for the same listings because there are too few listings and too many agents. With listings being […]

A Picture is Worth Thousands of … Dollars?

Woamn taking house photo with tablet

Do you have five minutes? I encourage you to take this time to do a quick tour of your MLS and review the quality of home photography that is passing as “adequate” to someone’s definition (not mine!) this very second. While some agents do an amazing job enlisting the help of a professional photographer, many […]

Ask Denise: Visual Listing Presentation Props

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise why is so important to have visual props at a listing presentation? A:  Over 80% of the population assimilates information visually: preferring to use images, pictures, colors, and maps to organize information and communicate with others. So, when you bring a visual example of your marketing, photography, or pricing tools it provides the […]

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