Q: Denise, what do you think about online lead generation systems – the kind where I pay for leads to come my way? A: This is a great question, and one that I have some very strong feelings about. Online lead generation that is handled by a third party has had mixed reviews over the […]
Posts Tagged ‘tools’
Checking in with Your 2013 Goals
We just passed the 2013 mid-year mark. Have you taken a look at your 2013 goals to make sure you are halfway towards completing them? If you are like many agents who have been caught up in the harried pace of the recovered and hot market, you may not even know where that goal worksheet […]
Ask Denise: Marketing and Pending to Close Calendars
Q: Denise, I am thinking about adding the Marketing Calendar and Pending to Close Calendar to my custom tool set … But do people really want those in this modern day and age – when so many people are using electronic calendars? A: What a great question! I would agree that there are certain personality […]
Ask Denise: Concerns About New Pricing Tools
Q: I like your idea of adding more tools to my pricing toolbox, but I am concerned about pricing correctly with the CMA tool I am already using now. I don’t have confidence in my pricing ability and I’m worried that if I introduce something new it might give me a completely different price –then […]