too busy | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘too busy’

How to Be Still in a Real Estate Storm

Real estate brokers are always busy and on the go. They often move at a very fast pace and have to make quick decisions when trying to solve problems for clients. The challenge with this is that quick decisions aren’t always necessarily the best decisions. Just because somebody asks you to solve a problem or […]

Ask Denise: New Year’s Resolutions

Q: “Denise, I’m already thinking ahead to the new year and resolutions. I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep all of them, BUT what can a busy agent like me do to stay on track?” A: It sounds like you’re planning on adding more to your routine with your New Year resolutions, but […]

Ask Denise: Too much work for time off

Denise Lones

Q:  I am supposed to be getting away for the long weekend, but I just have too much to do. I have two listings that have just come on and I know I am going to have a lot of inquiries and offers coming in. My husband is pressuring me to just leave it and […]

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