We have all experienced selling a home that just seems so popular that almost everyone who sees it wants to buy it. It may not be the biggest home or the nicest home on the block but it has an appeal that can’t quite be explained. I have seen many of these types of homes […]
Posts Tagged ‘Sellers’
Multi-Generational Homes – Big-Time Demand!
Multi-generational homes are increasing in demand across the country. First I want to explain what a multi-generational home is: It is a home that can have multiple families living under one roof in separate spaces. A multi-generational home could house a married couple caring for an older parent, a grandparent living with an adult grandchild, […]
2016 Buyer Preferences
With each passing year home feature trends shift and change based on buyer demands and lifestyle preferences. Remember when light oak kitchen cabinets were the “in” thing? Today in many areas white kitchen cabinets are the first choice of many buyers and remodelers for its broad appeal. I like to follow the feature trends in […]
It’s the Most Advantageous Time of the Year
I can feel it in the air… The National Association of REALTORS conference is next week, followed shortly thereafter by Thanksgiving. It’s the feeling of brokers looking forward to turning their attention away from their business and towards family and friends. While others may be smelling gingerbread and stuffing made from scratch, I smell opportunity. […]
The Questions Potential Clients Should Be Asking Real Estate Agents
Buying or selling a home is one of the most important decisions your clients will ever make in their lives and choosing an agent that will be a strong advocate and educator about the process is critical. All too often, buyers or sellers choose to work with an agent who is a friend, relative, or […]
Resolutions That Should Be at the Top of Your New Year’s List
Every year, real estate agents look to the past year for clues about what worked well for them and what they could do better. It is a time of revitalization and slate is wiped clean of the previous year’s wins and losses. It is a time to start fresh and begin doing all the things […]