Sellers | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘Sellers’

Stop Sugar-Coating It!

There is nothing as refreshing and at times terrifying as the truth. However, the truth is what your buyers and sellers need to make the decisions they need to make. At times those decisions are easy, other times they are very difficult. Different personality types need different things from you to help them with their […]

Re-Tooling Your Listing Presentation – The Smart Agent’s Guide to Staying Relevant

There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t read about a new real estate company jumping into the industry with a fancy new idea created to entice sellers into working with their company.  Promises of quick sales and high prices with creative marketing programs abound.  As an agent in today’s diverse offering market […]

Are You Closer to a Sale or a Price Reduction?

One of the most discussed topics between real estate brokers and their peers is pricing.  Pricing a home to sell is both an art and a science.  But why do so many homes sit on the market gaining days on market dust and creating nothing more than frustrated sellers and real estate brokers? The answer […]

Ask Denise: Stronger Pricing Skills

Q: “Denise, I want to get stronger on my pricing as we go into a different spring market. What do you suggest?” A: In addition to looking for clues in comparable properties (which is always an important indicator of future success), looking at days on market and new pendings are the two data points that […]

Pricing With Confidence

One of the hardest parts of your job as a real estate agent is the ability to price a seller’s home correctly. There are so many variables that go along with accurate pricing and if agents do not consider all of these, they may be costing their sellers thousands of dollars in lost potential sales […]

Ask Denise: The Market’s Time

Q: “Denise, I read your article on the Power of Timing. I have a listing that has been on for about a month now and my sellers are thinking of trying a price reduction this weekend and if it doesn’t work, throwing in the towel and renting it. I am also holding an open house […]

Ask Denise: Awkward Pricing

Q: “Denise, I am about to take a listing that I know is overpriced. It is not significantly overpriced, but it is definitely outside the comfort range. The problem is that our market is so fast right now that I can’t, with good conscience, say that my sellers CAN’T get that price, I just think […]

Ask Denise: Not a Fan Fan

Q: “Denise, I would like to start by saying that I hate ceiling fans. I hate the way they look, I hate sitting in a room with one on me, and when they are on high speed, they freak me out. However, I have a client who will be listing her home this upcoming summer […]

Ask Denise: Experience Book

Q: “Denise, if I added one thing to my listing presentation this year, what would you recommend?” A: An Experience Book. Hands-down, this is one of my favorite tools to have in this market. Choose six to ten of your recent listings, include photos, samples of your marketing for that listing, challenges that were overcome, […]

Ask Denise: Jump-Start a Stalled Farm

Q: “Denise, I have been marketing to a farm area for about six months now and I am very happy with what I am sending out – meaty market info, information on sold properties, etc. It is all stuff that is really relevant to the area. I have had a call, but things just aren’t […]

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