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Posts Tagged ‘relationship’

Ask Denise: Opening Doors at Open Houses

Q: “Denise, I am so tired of holding open houses! Every time I ask if buyers are working with an agent, they answer, “yes.” Are they all really working with agents or are they just blowing me off?” A: There is really no way of knowing, but if you are constantly getting shut down when […]

The Lead Generation Triangle

Lead Gen Triangle

Whenever agents ask me what the best kind of lead generation method is I have to answer with the same two words every time … it depends. Great lead generation depends on so many factors and it has to match your personality, your skill level and your interest level. If you have no interest in […]

The Teeter Totter Approach to Selling

man on tightrope

There are agents who are all about the relationship and agents who are all about the task at hand. Is one area of focus better than the other? This is a discussion that has provided debate over the years. You’ve likely heard the expression “he/she can sell ice to Eskimos” — implying that the individual […]

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