Today, I’m going to tackle foreclosures, forbearance, and what’s ahead for anyone whose clients – or they themselves- have gotten into a little hot water with their mortgage because of what’s happening with Covid. First and foremost, I want to go back ten to thirteen years. The last time that we were in this kind […]
Posts Tagged ‘recession’
Recessions and Real Estate, What’s the Big Worry all About?
Have you ever wondered how previous recessions have affected real estate prices? This is a common question I get asked by agents and consumers anytime the word recession is brought up. The term, “recession” can scare anyone who has been through one and were caused financial strain as a result. Therefore, the word recession often […]
Evaluate the Market with Facts, not Emotion
When agents ask me how the market is doing, I always ask them, “Why they you asking?” Considering they are in the market day to day I assume that they have a very good idea of how the market is doing. The challenge is that for many agents that were licensed during the downturn/correction/crash/recession (or […]
Ask Denise: Reassuring Statistics
Q: “Denise, I have a number of clients who are concerned about the change in the real estate market. I am telling them that it isn’t like the Great Recession beginning but I don’t think they believe me. What information would you share with them to get them to calm down?” A: It can be […]
Ask Denise: Monthly Income
Q: Denise, as we are heading towards the end of the year, I am looking back at the last two years and feel like I have made good headway coming out of the recession. I would love to take a look at my business and determine what this actually looks like on a monthly basis […]
Ask Denise: Refinancing Questions
Q: Denise, what do you think of the proposed government programs to help more people be able to refinance? Won’t that just contribute to a bigger lack of inventory? If everyone refinances doesn’t that mean they won’t put their homes on the market which will really add to the current inventory deficit? Won’t that just […]
President Obama Has a Lot to Say About the Housing Market
On Tuesday, August 6th, President Obama spoke in Phoenix, Arizona at Desert Vista High School, explaining his vision to promote home ownership in America. He praised reform of the financial systems and talked about the reckless practices that led to the housing crisis. A visual representation of his vision can be seen if you follow […]