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Posts Tagged ‘Real Estate’

Buying to Renovate: What Your Clients Need to Know!

Many buyers are finding themselves having a hard time purchasing the type of home they initially began searching for. Often they are faced with a decision to alter their criteria and even their price expectations. Many areas are experiencing severe inventory shortages, leading some buyers to make the decision to remain in their homes and […]

The Investor Tipping Point

Several weeks ago, I introduced the idea of The Tipping Point – that moment in time when it becomes more advantageous for a seller to sell than to stay in his or her home. In areas where markets have inventory shortages, making more homeowners aware that their tipping point may be near is critical for […]

Don’t Fall Into These Legal Pitfalls!

business people in serious discussion

It is not like real estate agents don’t have enough to be aware of in their business but there are a few things that I have been seeing lately that are of concern. Lack of awareness around these issues can cause agents a lot of grief in their business. There are 10 mistakes agents need […]

Persistence is Powerful: Lessons I’ve Learned from Mati

Her name is Matilyn (I call her Mati or Monkey) and she is one of my daughter’s best friends. After years of her spending time in my home and at horse shows together she has become my friend too. In fact, my daughter jokes that when Mati comes to visit, she is really coming to […]

Ask Denise: Should I Grow My Farm Area?

Denise Lones

Q: “Denise, I have been getting some responses from my farm area and have even had a few closed sales. I am thinking of expanding to a larger area. What do you think?” I think that is a great idea! Of course, check to make sure the expanded area has a good turnover rate (about […]


woman multi-tasking

Real estate is a business of managing priorities. I bet if you took a minute and wrote down every possible item that you think you have to do for your business, you would probably have dozens and dozens of “to dos”. Everything from entering last month’s expenses and this year’s taxes to a CMA for […]

Ask Denise: Wrong Personality?

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I was on your website and was taking your free personality test. I am a newer real estate agent and haven’t had a lot of success yet. It said I was an analytical first and supporter second. I am concerned because I am not a promoter first and I think I need to […]

The Tipping Point

2 houses on tipping scale

Every seller has that moment in time when something happens that pushes them to making a decision to sell. In fact, many sellers don’t even know they want to sell until someone informs them of the benefits of selling. For example, imagine a seller is at home and they retrieve their mail and find a […]

Ask Denise: Luxury Services Brochure?

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I am thinking of making a very visual seller services brochure (one of the big glossy ones you do – 11 x 17 that folds in half to 8.5 x 11) with images of my marketing materials and logos of all the websites I syndicate to, etc. I am trying to decide what […]

The Dog Ate My Time-Blocking Schedule

dog chewed schedule

How are those New Years’ business resolutions holding up? Did you start off the year with great intentions to get organized and complete those client care and business-building tasks that you know you need to do to succeed? Have you made progress in this arena or are you having some roadblocks? Or did you start […]

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