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Posts Tagged ‘real estate advice’

Ask Denise: Listing Presentations

Denise Lones

Q:  Last week you said technology wasn’t the only answer to a good listing presentation. So what should I bring to show sellers? I don’t feel like I have what I need to impress a seller. One agent brings a book showing all the awards she’s won – that just seems weird to me. What […]

14 Tips For More Successful Broker Open Tours

broker's open house

Recently, one of my EVOLVE coaching clients expressed frustration at the low turnout for broker’s open houses (or what you might call broker caravans in your area). “Denise,” she said, “I don’t ever seem to have agents show up at my open houses. What am I doing wrong?” Rather than thinking about what she was […]

There’s Always More To The Story

Grape Vines

Recently one of my clients forwarded an article to me about unemployment in their area.  The gist of the article was that jobless claims are up in the Kennewick area. When the contents of this article hit my client’s marketplace (Kennewick, a town in Eastern Washington), he told me the article had people so concerned […]

Good… Or Good For Nothing?

mid adult man using a laptop

Poll real estate agents around the country on the value and benefits of a home warranty policy and you’ll receive a wide range of responses. Some agents love them. Other agents feel they’re a waste of money. If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, a home warranty is basically a service contract to complete future repairs […]

Ask Denise: Multiple Offer Situations

Denise Lones

Q: Denise, it’s “multiple offer madness” in my marketplace and I’m not sure how to prepare my clients for what will happen. I’ve only been in business a couple of years, so I haven’t had to face this before. Help! A: Multiple offers sound great if you’re representing a seller, and are a source of worry […]

Eight Tips to Building a “Belly-to-Belly” Business!

An Agent Talking to Clients

As I was thinking about this week’s Zebra Report I posed a question to myself: Is real estate still a belly-to-belly business? That’s what we used to call it in the old days. Back then we didn’t have email, we didn’t have online MLS systems, we didn’t have electronic key boxes, and we didn’t have […]

Ask Denise: Blog Content

Denise Lones

Q: Where can I find content for blogs? I want to try one, but don’t have the technical skills to post stuff, and I’m not that great of a writer to start with. A: There are lots of options for blog content; some good, some bad. When you’re searching for content be sure you work […]

What’s In Your Toolbox?

Featured: Sarah Mosley

Have you ever thought about geographical farming? It can be a highly effective way to generate business. But if you expect top-notch results from your farm you must deliver a top-notch product! That would include statistics on the marketplace, articles about community events, and more. And if you really want to make an impact (the […]

Ask Denise: Support for Technology

Denise Lones

Q: I’m in an office with limited technical support… and I’m not great with technology. I find myself spending hours and hours trying to figure out stupid things. For example, I’m tracking market data and putting it in Excel. I want to create graphs and charts, but I just can’t figure it out without pulling […]

Are “Almost Now” Clients Slipping Through Your Fingers?

Clients and Sold Sign

Over the years I’ve talked a great deal about “not right now” or “almost now” clients – those buyers and sellers who may have expressed a smidgen of interest in buying or selling real estate, but not right at the moment. We get caught up in the activities around “right now” clients, the folks we […]

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