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Posts Tagged ‘real estate advice’

Lead Conversion: Part Two

Two Women Chatting over Coffee

Successfully Converting In-Person Leads After my Zebra Report last week on converting internet leads agents reached out with many comments. I was actually surprised to hear that many agents have sworn off pursuing internet leads because of bad experiences, and who want to go back to the good, old-fashion method of being live in front […]

Ask Denise: Client Appreciation Event This Year

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, is it too late to plan a client appreciation event for this year? A:  That depends! I say it’s never too late … but you may have to be flexible on what kind of event you have. Depending on what you have in mind, some venues may be booked. If that’s the case, […]


Realtor Logo

ENOUGH: presented by LoCar (formally Cowlitz County Association of Realtors) Sep 28, 2012 Do you feel as though you’re working hard … but not getting results? Is it a struggle to find clients? Is follow-up a challenge? Are you ready to really make the changes needed in your business? Are you ready for success? If […]

Ask Denise: Home Warranties

Denise Lones

Q:  You talked about home warranties recently. Why would a buyer or seller need a home warranty if they have homeowner’s insurance? A:  Great question – thanks for asking! People are often confused on this point. Homeowners insurance provides coverage for catastrophic natural and unnatural hazards and/or accidents … such as damage that arises from […]

Ask Denise: Partners vs Assistants

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, how do you feel about partners vs assistants? I think an assistant would be less expensive than sharing my business 50/50, and since an assistant can do everything a partner could I’m not sure I see the downside. What am I missing? Why do agents have partners instead of assistants? A:  What a […]

Winning by the Numbers (Yours, and Your Competitors’)

The Competition

I’m lucky to own and operate a business I absolutely love. My company’s focus is simple: to help real estate agents and brokers transform their businesses. This week I taught a new class, entitled “Get the Listing” to a sold-out room! Two of the core themes of our class were differentiating yourself from the competition, […]

Ask Denise: Client Appreciation Events

Denise Lones

Q:  One of your recent answers was about client appreciation events. I want to do one, but I am afraid no one will come. Can you give me a few ideas? A:  I hear this so often from agents, and I understand completely. It’s possible the first couple of appreciation events might be lightly attended […]

Ask Denise: Annual Client Reviews

Denise Lones

Q:  I like your idea of doing annual client reviews, but I can’t figure out the best time to do them!  It seems like I put them off each year, and they never get done. A:  You’re not alone! Many agents have the best of intentions, but can’t quite get this handled. There are two […]

5 Simple Steps To A Great Autumn!

Autumn Leaves and Trees

We’re half-way through August and almost completely finished with summer. In preparation for the new school year, many of you are shopping for pencils, paper, and crayons – or laptop, tablets, and cell phones, depending on the age of your children! You may be fitting in one last vacation before school starts, or harvesting those […]

Ask Denise: Pinterest Followers

Denise Lones

Q:  I’m intrigued by Pinterest and using it in my business… but need help figuring out how to get people to “follow” me! A:  Two easy ways: by letting people know you are on Pinterest, by engaging with others, and by providing great content that catches people’s attention. In my Zebra report on Pinterest best […]

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