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Posts Tagged ‘real estate advice’

A Year-End Review … of You!

A Clock Striking Midnight and Confetti

Well, 2012 is drawing to a close. What a year it’s been! I’m thrilled that we’re seeing a recovery of the housing market in most parts of the country. We’ve been through a tough couple of years, and it’s such a great feeling to see us coming out on the other side. I’ll be talking […]

Let Quality of Life Be Your Guide in 2013 … and Beyond

A Family sledding in the snow

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a long-held belief that the first, and the most important thing in your business, is creating “quality of life”. As we wind down 2012 and head in to 2013 I want to encourage all of you to think about your quality of life. What do I mean […]

The Power of Feedback

two people discussing next to a laptop

You can have every fancy tech gizmo that exists. You can have dozens of years of experience. You can have beautiful branding. You can have a state-of-the-art website too. But if you’re not getting regular feedback about your performance, you’re missing the boat. Feedback – honest feedback from customers – is the most important tool […]

Ask Denise: How Much to Spend on Marketing

Denise Lones

“Denise, I’ve been wondering … What percentage of my income do you think I should spend on marketing?” A:  I get this question all the time, and I have to tell you – there’s no one right answer. There are so many complex variables that go in to the costs of marketing that I can’t […]

Have You Vaccinated Your Business?

Doctor and stethescope

As long as I’ve been in business I’ve regularly received calls and emails from agents who are struggling to reach their potential. Many of them make a good living … but want to make more, while others are barely getting by. Some are facing dire circumstances. Everyone struggles in this business for different reasons, but […]

Ask Denise: Changing My Brokerage

Denise Lones

Q:  This fall I’m thinking about really changing my business up so that I can start the new year in a better position. I think part of that should be changing my brokerage. What kind of things should I be looking for in a new office? A:  What a great question … but I have […]

Ask Denise: Prequalifying Sellers

Denise Lones

Q: Denise, when you talked about “qualifying” sellers who call you up for a listing appointment did you really mean that we should ask questions other than very, very basic ones before going to the home? A: Yes I did – and thank you for asking me to clarify! I believe as agents we are […]

Ask Denise: Interrupted Listing Presentations

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I am getting derailed by sellers at my listing presentation who keep interrupting me and are ruining the flow of my presentation. Short of being rude and asking them to stop, I don’t know how to handle this. Help! A:  Part of a great listing presentation is setting expectations with your sellers. One […]

Ask Denise: Pinterest

Denise Lones

Q:  Is Pinterest really going to help me build my real estate business … or is it just another time waster? A:  Like anything, Pinterest has the ability to help your business … or to distract you from work. Because of the way you can collect and display information, I think Pinterest definitely has the […]

Lead Conversion: Part Three

Cheerful man on a cell phone

Successfully Converting Telephone Leads Two weeks ago I talked about converting internet leads … and last week I talked about converting “live” leads. Today I want to talk about converting telephone leads. By far the most difficult lead to convert is the telephone lead. But agents who can master this type of lead conversion can […]

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