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Posts Tagged ‘real estate advice’

The Property Purchase Analysis: A Smart Assessment Tool for Homebuyers

Agent showing paper to clients

Real estate agents wouldn’t list a house without doing a CMA for the seller, but many agents who work with buyers don’t provide an in-depth analysis prior to writing an offer. While some agents do take the time to run some stats, there is much more to doing the kind of analysis that helps buyers […]

Ask Denise: Where Is the Counter Offer?

Denise Lones

Q: Denise, what can an agent do to make their buyers feel better when they have an offer that doesn’t even get countered? A: Some offers do not receive a counter offer. When this happens the buyer is left wondering what went wrong. They may be thinking, “Aren’t you supposed to make an offer and […]

Ask Denise: Best Advice Starting Out

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, can you tell me the best advice anyone ever gave you when you first started selling real estate? A:  I still remember the moment when the light bulb went on for me. I was speaking with my real estate trainer, Garth, and he told me that if I wanted to be successful in […]

Ask Denise: Attracting Business

Denise Lones

Q: Denise, why is that some agents seem to attract so much business while others have such a difficult time just making ends meet? A: That is a wonderful question and one that requires us to look at the businesses of top producers to answer. The one thing that all of our industry’s top producers have […]

Ask Denise: Luxury Car

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I was wondering if I should be concerned about not being able to afford to drive a luxury car when working with buyers? A:  That is an excellent question and one that I have had much experience with over the years. I have had the opportunity to work with many agents who could […]

Ask Denise: Niche Markets

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I’ve been hearing that I should develop a niche market … How do I go about developing a niche market? A:  There are two very important things you must do to determine your niche in the market. First, you have to find out what your niche choices are and this will depend entirely […]

Ask Denise: Find Your Fit

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise what is the one piece of advice you think all agents need to hear from you? A:  FIND YOUR FIT. Yes, find your fit! Don’t sell real estate the way others tell you to. Sell real estate authentically by finding your fit and do it your way. There is no one-size, cookie-cutter magic […]

Ask Denise: Showings, But No Offers

Denise Lones

Q:  I have a house listed that I think is priced at the market. We are having a steady trickle of showings, but no offers. It is a nice size home, in a nice neighborhood, on a lovely corner lot. There is a train crossing down the street, but I don’t think that is the […]

Ask Denise: Starting a Blog

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I want to start a blog, but I tend to start things, do them for a few weeks and stop. I don’t want to invest the money in creating a blog if I am just going to flake out! A:  I don’t think you should spend the money on a blog if you […]

Ask Denise: Housing Market Inventory

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I hear you talking about a reduction in inventory, yet in my area we have seen the number of homes on the market increase …  Are you sure inventory numbers are going down? A:  Yes, nationally these numbers are going down, but remember, real estate is local. You may be in an area […]

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