Niche marketing is when you decide on a particular target you want to go after, then do whatever it takes to become the very best market expert on that niche, and finally market your expertise to that niche. It sounds simple, right? But there’s a lot packed into those three steps. First, why should you […]
Posts Tagged ‘professional’
Branding Spotlight: Stationery & Letterhead
Quick—you need to print a report for a meeting in an hour and it must look professional and impressive. What do you have in your printer: Plain copy paper? Generic brokerage letterhead? Or your personal branded letterhead? Whether it’s a letter to the title company, a house flyer, or multi-page report for a prospective client, […]
How Do YOU Spell Relief? B-R-A-N-D
I hope some of you have enough “experience” to remember the old Rolaids slogan in which people with heartburn were asked about how they spelled “relief” and it was spelled R-O-L-A-I-D-S. In real estate, we have different kinds of heartburn: Heartburn when a past client works with another agent Heartburn when we lose a listing […]
Branding Spotlight: Tyler Staples
The starting point: Tyler Staples first brand from The Lones Group was created a half-decade ago, with a dramatic sense of style. He returned this year, ready to embrace the fresh, bright and minimal style that’s sweeping the design world. His number one goal was to create a strong impression, while blending with the contemporary […]
Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should
Most real estate brokers that I know got into the business because they love helping people. They are servant people at heart and really want to take great care of their clients. However, the challenge that many brokers face is that they often find themselves between a rock and a hard place when a seller […]
Nuts-and-Bolts Online Resources for Organizing Your World
Of all the things I have seen transform an agent’s business I can tell you that helping them get organized both personally and professionally can have a dramatic effect on their business and confidence. Finding your own way to keep everything in your world organized is critical to staying on top of your game. Many […]
Ask Denise: My Officemate is Distracting!
Q: Denise, I am spending more time in my office at the real estate office rather than being at home because I have two teenage kids who are now home for the summer. I have a hard time concentrating when they are hanging out at the house so I am going into my office more […]
Ask Denise: My File System is a Disaster!
Q: “Denise, I read your article last week on filing systems. This all sounds good, but over the last 15 years I have been in business, I have accumulated a lot of files. A LOT!!! Frankly my filing system isn’t so much a system as an unmitigated disaster. I don’t even know where I would […]
Ask Denise: My Personal Aerial Drone?
Q: Denise, what would you think if I bought my own drone for aerial home photography? A: While I applaud that you want to do something unique and special for your listings, but unless you have the special skills and training not only to take professional property photography, but also to operate a drone safely […]