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Posts Tagged ‘planning’

An Organized Mind Is A Powerful Weapon

A calm man amidst chaos

I have worked with many agents over the years and I can assure you that many of those agents were in a state of complete disorder when I met them. Disorganization at work, at home, in their personal space and especially in their mind creates a level of stress that is not good for a […]

The Lead Generation Triangle

Lead Gen Triangle

Whenever agents ask me what the best kind of lead generation method is I have to answer with the same two words every time … it depends. Great lead generation depends on so many factors and it has to match your personality, your skill level and your interest level. If you have no interest in […]

Results vs. Action

relaxed man vs. active man

This week I had a few clients who were feeling down about some things that had transpired in their business lately: Transactions that fell through at the last minute, past clients who didn’t refer business, and the inconsistent nature of this business in terms of income were all weighing heavily on them. In fact, not […]

Your 2014 Resolutions: One Small Adjustment Can Bring Big Success!

Stopwatch, money and homes

Welcome to 2014! I love this time of year – so full of promise and dedication to making some changes in your business! I am thrilled about what is coming up for our industry in 2014. My research shows that this will be another strong year and you need to be ready! What are you […]

The Gift of a “Wrench”

wrenches and a gift box

You may have heard the term “throwing a wrench in the plans”. Well, from where I’m standing, it seems to be raining “wrenches” this month. I have been contacted by so many agents I am coaching who have needed to change their plans for the summer because a family member has become ill or passed […]

A Year-End Review … of You!

A Clock Striking Midnight and Confetti

Well, 2012 is drawing to a close. What a year it’s been! I’m thrilled that we’re seeing a recovery of the housing market in most parts of the country. We’ve been through a tough couple of years, and it’s such a great feeling to see us coming out on the other side. I’ll be talking […]

Ask Denise: Planning for 2013

Denise Lones

Q:  Is it too late to do some effective planning for 2013? It seems like every year I don’t get this on the calendar until the end of the year. By then I’m so tired I don’t even want to think about next year – I just want a break! A:  I believe it is […]

Is Your Business Plan Doomed to Failure?

Overwhelmed Man at Desk

As a real estate trainer and coach I see agents with many different attitudes toward business planning. There’s the agent who has a plan that’s so detailed it lacks flexibility (not to mention the fact that it takes three months to put it together!), the agent who has a plan that’s so lacking in structure […]

Ask Denise: Setting Goals for 2013

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I’m going to try to set goals for 2013. I’ve never done this before, and don’t really know how to go about it. How do I start, and what is the right time to do this? A:  Congratulations! I’m a big believer in goal setting. If you’ve never set goals before, it can […]

Ask Denise: Taking Time Off

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, your article on taking time off really helped me – I took a week of vacation in August for the first time in six years. It felt great! I’m hoping to do this every year! A:  I don’t think this was actually a question, but I wanted to share your comment here so […]

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