Online Marketing | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘Online Marketing’

The Grass is Not Greener – Water Your Lawn and Reap the Benefits!

It is not even the end of the first week of January and already I have had NUMEROUS agents contact me to ask if they should sign up for the “latest and greatest” online marketing lead generation program. Sales people are out in force this week, so if your phone has been ringing off the […]

Your Online Profiles: Why You Need Them Now More Than Ever!

I read a fascinating stat recently from the National Association of Realtors Generational Report.  I was shocked to learn that over 92% of the Millennial Generation wants to use a real estate agent on their next real estate purchase or sale.  This is even higher than the desire of Baby Boomers to work with Real […]

Ask Denise: Marketing & Listing Process

Q: “Denise, I have a seller couple who will have their listing ready to go in the next two weeks. This is fantastic. However, they are insisting that I create one of those 3D walkthroughs that they have seen online. Not only is it not cheap to do this, because of the kind of market […]

Lead Conversion: Part One

Young Woman at a Computer

Seven Tips for Converting Internet Leads Even if the shorter days and cooler nights weren’t a big tip-off, I always know when fall has arrived. Why? Because once again my inbox is flooded with requests from agents who have taken the summer off and are now feeling panicked about their lack of business. Because they haven’t […]

YouTube: Is It the Perfect “Learning Lab”?

The Lones Group YouTube screenshot

If you read my Zebra Reports regularly, you know that I believe that today’s real estate agent needs to engage more fully in social media than ever before. That engagement may come through Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, a blog… or one of the other hundreds of social media sites available – including YouTube. I’ve long […]

3 Tips for Online Success by Denise Lones

By Denise Lones M.I.R.M., CSP With so much of our world online, it’s a wonder agents don’t go crazy making decisions about “the best” online marketing for them.  Blog sites.  Social networking sites.  Business networking sites.  Video sites.  It can feel overwhelming. If you’re a recovering technophobe (like me), I’m here to tell you exactly […]

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