New Years | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘New Years’

Raise Your Deflector Shield!

Yesterday, I had a great Lunch and Learn with Drew Ebner of Guild Mortgage. It was one of those kicking off the year and getting in the right mindset type of events. One of the topics we touched on was the power of editing out the extra noise and mental clutter that bogs us down. […]

Ask Denise: New Year’s Resolutions

Q: “Denise, I’m already thinking ahead to the new year and resolutions. I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep all of them, BUT what can a busy agent like me do to stay on track?” A: It sounds like you’re planning on adding more to your routine with your New Year resolutions, but […]

The Warmest of Holiday Wishes

Zebra decorated for Christmas

The holiday season is upon us – and for some cultures, it may already have occurred. But because my family celebrates Christmas I’m posting this Zebra Report right before the holiday that I personally celebrate. All autumn I’ve been looking forward to this coming week. As the daylight hours have decreased along with the temperature […]

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