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Posts Tagged ‘networking’

Does Your Pipeline Need a Lifeline?

Every agent should strive to build a referral-only business. The lion’s share of income should come from past clients, a strong database and the subsequent referrals. However, if you – like many agents I know – are not generating the income that you need to generate, it is a sure sign that your referral business is […]

Turn Lost Opportunities Into Realized Opportunities: the Need for a Detailed Communication Plan

In the last two Zebra Reports I’ve been talking about the idea of Lost Opportunity and what it means to your business. Lost Opportunity business is business you can have, and it is income you should have. Don’t lose those opportunities simply because you didn’t have a plan to keep them in your pipeline. No more Lost Opportunities in 2011! […]

Holiday Cards? Again? Try This Instead…

It’s that time of year again. Lights are popping up on houses. Trees are soon to be decorated. Malls are becoming hot and crowded. And people are getting ready to send out holiday cards. We send out holiday cards as individuals, but as real estate agents I believe there is something better we should be […]

Don’t Fall Into Holiday Mode — There are Opportunities Galore at this Time of Year!

Every year in mid-November I hear the same complaint from agents. They come to me and say: “Denise, everything is slowing down. I feel like there’s no point to doing anything right now. So I think I’ll just ramp things down and plan next year.” Wrong! While it’s a good idea to plan next year, […]

Out of the Jungle and Into the Light!

There’s no doubt that the past 2 years have taken a toll on agents. Some of you are worn and torn, and really tired. Some of you are exhausted. It’s been really tough. It’s been harder than it’s ever, ever been. For some of you, you probably feel like you’ve been totally lost in a deep, deep jungle. […]

New from The Lones Group Design Team!

After serving in the Marine Corps, Ron was ready for a change! Real estate was a natural fit for him, and he has taken it one step further by focusing on relocating clients. Because of the added stresses that come with relocation, Ron wanted a brand that conveys his personal warmth and caring demeanor while […]

Ask Denise: On Social Media

Q: “Denise, I’m diving into social media but I don’t know what to do. Help!” A: Don’t just dive in. Start with the end in mind. Treat social media just as you would writing an article for your local newspaper. A big mistake agents make is to just sign up at Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or […]

Lessons from Rudolph — A Top Marketing and Branding Guru

Today I’d like to introduce you to a marketing guru who is a master of his craft. I myself have learned a lot from him. I’d like to share with you some of the incredible insights I have learned from this branding genius. He is a master of attracting attention, developing a strong brand, and […]

New from The Lones Group Design Team!

Monte and Jim are excited about the launch of their new website, A natural extension of the custom “Signature” brand we created for them, the site allows Jim and Monte to position themselves as experts in their marketplace, capturing the attention of both buyers and sellers. Whether you want to develop a completely custom […]

Ask Denise: On Online Lead Generation

Q: “Denise, what do you think about online lead generation?” A: Online lead generation is simply a way for you to get people’s names and contact information in front of you. But it’s still a cold lead. You don’t know them. They don’t know you. Leads that are colder are harder to convert. If you […]

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