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Posts Tagged ‘Mentoring’

Sample Before and After Images for Marketing Makeovers by Denise Lones

Here are a few samples of ‘Before and After,’ images that we have done for some of our past clients. Feel free to click on each image to enlarge it to see the images in more detail! Let’s look at another sample!    Here is one more sample! To take your real estate marketing to the next […]

Our Marketing Makeover Programs Explained by Denise Lones

More often than not your materials are seen long before you are! Remember the old adage “You only get one chance to make a first impression?” In any business your marketing pieces or ‘materials’ ARE your first impression. What do your current business marketing materials say about you and your business? Are they consistent and […]

What’s the Price of Your Money? By Denise Lones

Buyers today are definitely playing the game. They’re perched high on the real estate fence, waiting and watching for prices to fall. But these people are missing a critical factor that may cost them even more money: interest rates. When a buyer sits on the fence waiting for prices to come down, they may end […]

Why You Need Your Own “Brand,” by Denise Lones

By Denise Lones M.I.R.M., CSP A new client of mine was recently approached by her broker.  He didn’t understand why the agent hired me to do “branding”.  His comment?  “Why do you need to spend money on that?  We have company marketing materials that you can use.” Sound familiar?  I bet it does.  Many agents […]

Stop Trying to Tame the Time Management Monster by Denise Lones

By Denise Lones M.I.R.M., CSP It snarls.  It has a will of its own.  It feeds on your soul.  It’s time management—the real estate agent’s worst enemy. A beast indeed. For years, I tried to conquer the beast.  Battle after battle, I was determined to be the victor—to have a week that I actually knew […]

How to Make Magic Happen by Denise Lones

By Denise Lones M.I.R.M., CSP The room fell silent.  Rachelle was about to speak. We had known Rachelle as part of our Evolve coaching group since last December.  On a cold day before Christmas, we gathered to meet and prepare for the upcoming year. The one thing that struck everybody about Rachelle was an obvious […]

Subtle Cues in Selling by Denise Lones

By Denise Lones M.I.R.M., CSP One of the biggest challenges facing salespeople is picking up on the cues your clients give you. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been working with an agent and he or she hasn’t noticed some obvious signals I’ve given them when we’re rehearsing sales presentations. Sales is all […]

“A” is for Automation: 3 Key Areas of Your Business That You Must Put on Autopilot by Denise Lones

By Denise Lones M.I.R.M., CSP As our world of ever-expanding technology creates further demands on our time (even though it’s supposed to free up more time for us—that’s a laugh!), it becomes more and more clear to me how important automation is to a real estate agent. What is automation?  It’s having a system in […]

Stop Whining and Start Taking Action by Denise Lones

By Denise Lones M.I.R.M., CSP For the real estate industry, the last three months have been one of the strangest periods I’ve witnessed in the last ten years.  Real estate agents have whipped themselves into a frenzy based entirely on media baloney. True, the media deli has been serving up large portions of this baloney.  […]

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