mailers | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘mailers’

Ask Denise: Starting the New Year Right

Denise Lones

Q:  “Denise, it is the second week of the year and I feel like things should be moving for me already! What should I do?” A: First of all, relax. It is the 8th. People are just getting back to their routines and if you have some folks who are in your pipeline that aren’t […]

Ask Denise: Getting Results

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I am trying to focus on action rather than results, but it is hard! I have been mailing very strong content to my farm area for six months. However, my phone has not rung once! I am concerned about continuing to pour money into this. What do you recommend – stopping the farm […]

2014 Business Planning: Easy-to-Follow Referral Generating System

man holding mailed envelope

Last week in our Zebra Report I shared that, for most agents, their database is an untapped goldmine of potential commission dollars. I have many agents who come to me for help, asking me to please find them a lead generation system that will generate them leads. But when I ask them about their database, […]

Ask Denise: Database Worthy?

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I recently closed on a transaction and I really don’t think the sellers liked me because their home sold for less than they had originally wanted. Should I take them out of my database so I don’t waste money mailing to them in the future? A:  ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!  Even though the sellers are […]

“A” is for Automation: 3 Key Areas of Your Business That You Must Put on Autopilot by Denise Lones

By Denise Lones M.I.R.M., CSP As our world of ever-expanding technology creates further demands on our time (even though it’s supposed to free up more time for us—that’s a laugh!), it becomes more and more clear to me how important automation is to a real estate agent. What is automation?  It’s having a system in […]

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