letter | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘letter’

Branding Spotlight: Envelopes

They say letter-writing is a dying art.  However, nothing could be further from the truth! Old school as it sounds, writing letters, even boring business letters, is not only exponentially more fun when you use your branded stationary, it is a phenomenal way to get the attention of potential clients in your market. Other agents […]

Ask Denise: “I have a Buyer” Letter Campaign

Q: “Denise, I have buyers who missed out on buying a property a few months ago (multiple offer situation). They are specific in the building they want to buy in. When they first missed out a few months ago, I sent a letter to the homeowners indicating that I had a bona fide buyer. But […]

Ask Denise: Postcard, Letter, or Social Media?

Q: “Denise, what is more effective for a farm: postcards, letters, or social media advertising?” A: Great question! When I think of the most effective type of farming, I like to think in terms of layers and the more layers you can add, the more effective your connecting with the people in that farm will […]

The Investor Tipping Point

Several weeks ago, I introduced the idea of The Tipping Point – that moment in time when it becomes more advantageous for a seller to sell than to stay in his or her home. In areas where markets have inventory shortages, making more homeowners aware that their tipping point may be near is critical for […]

The Tipping Point

2 houses on tipping scale

Every seller has that moment in time when something happens that pushes them to making a decision to sell. In fact, many sellers don’t even know they want to sell until someone informs them of the benefits of selling. For example, imagine a seller is at home and they retrieve their mail and find a […]

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