home trends | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘home trends’

The Wonder of Windows

That’s some fresh insulation! Today, I am on site at a new construction project and I want to talk about the power of windows. In this project, we took about 80% of the structure down to the foundation and we built up the walls to 10ft. Our goal was to get that panoramic window effect. […]

Hot Trends in Renovation

This week I am on-site at one of my properties. I’ve just finish a renovation here, and I have to share something very important: the building industry, home design industry, renovation/remodel industry—they’re all changing! And it is dramatic. That’s why I have scheduled an online workshop covering the hottest trends later this summer to go […]

Today, I Eat My Words

Hi everyone, and welcome to this week’s Zebra Report. Today, I get to “EAT MY WORDS”. Years ago, when I started the Zebra Report, I had a client of mine ask me if I was nervous about blogging because once I put my thoughts into words I can’t take back those words. If I say […]

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