holidays | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘holidays’

Connect with Your Clients with an Annual Client Review

agent by house

The holiday season is a great time for people to connect and reconnect with each other. Every year at this time agents ask me what they can do to connect with their clients in a big way during the holidays. While I do agree that it is nice to get a holiday greeting of some […]

Ask Denise: Holiday Message?

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I will be taking next week off and want to have the following as my voicemail message, “Thank you for your call. I will be taking the week of December 21st off for the Christmas holiday. I will be returning all calls on Monday, December 28th. Happy holidays!” However, a co-worker said that […]

Ask Denise: Client Holiday Gifts?

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I always wonder about what I should send to my clients this time of year. I usually just send a card, but others in my office are giving their clients wreaths, pies, and cookies. I do send a meaty personalized report in January, but am I missing the boat here? Should I just […]

It’s the Most Advantageous Time of the Year

woman working

I can feel it in the air… The National Association of REALTORS conference is next week, followed shortly thereafter by Thanksgiving. It’s the feeling of brokers looking forward to turning their attention away from their business and towards family and friends. While others may be smelling gingerbread and stuffing made from scratch, I smell opportunity. […]

Ask Denise: Holiday Card

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, do you think I should send a yearly holiday card to my clients? A:  That is a question I get all the time during the holidays. I usually do prefer you do send real estate information mailer to your clients rather than a card, but I have a lot of clients who send […]

Time to Wind Down or Time to Wind Up?

sleeping woman next to excited woman

Every year in mid-November I hear the same comment from agents: “Denise, the market is slowing down. I think I’ll just wind things down, assume nothing else is going to happen, and then wind up next year.” Think again! If you aren’t ready to close your books on your business for the year, it is […]

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