foundation | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘foundation’

A Foundation for Success, Your Business Vision

man drawing thru a maze

I have coached many agents over the years and the first question I ask them is, “What is your vision for your business?” Without a clear vision for your business, you’re unlikely to ever achieve your business goals. For example, agents tell me all the time that they want to make so much money so […]

In the News: Lisa Shilling

Rolled up Newspaper

GIVING BACK … The Lisa Shilling Way! This week I have to share the story of one of my dear clients, Lisa Shilling, who has introduced me to Seven’s Haven: a ranch dedicated to horse rescue and training, and equine therapy. Founder and director of this wonderful organization, Lisa is a woman who has a […]

Ask Denise: Getting Back Into Real Estate

Denise Lones

Q:  I am just getting back into real estate after taking a “sabbatical” for financial reasons. I am having a tough time picking up where I left off. Any suggestions? A:  Welcome back! This time around I suggest taking time each and every week to build a strong foundation so you can weather any economic […]

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