Niche marketing is when you decide on a particular target you want to go after, then do whatever it takes to become the very best market expert on that niche, and finally market your expertise to that niche. It sounds simple, right? But there’s a lot packed into those three steps. First, why should you […]
Posts Tagged ‘Expert’
Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should
Most real estate brokers that I know got into the business because they love helping people. They are servant people at heart and really want to take great care of their clients. However, the challenge that many brokers face is that they often find themselves between a rock and a hard place when a seller […]
The Expertise Opportunity
For this week’s Zebra Report, I’d like to start off with a quick exercise. Ready? Think about the last vendor you were really impressed with. It could be a lender, inspector, or it may not even be someone in the real estate industry. It could be a florist, an interior designer, an accountant, or even […]
The Secrets to Targeting a Geographical Farm
Many agents who think about targeting a geographical farm choose that farm based on what they think will produce best results. But without verifying that research, this may not actually be the case. Other agents like the idea of farming their own neighborhood because it is convenient and people may already know them from that […]
Ask Denise: Real Estate News
Q: Denise, with all the options available today, what’s a good source of news in the real estate industry? A: Your MLS. If you want to know what the real estate market is doing, you have the best place to track it right at your fingertips. Do you know how many houses have sold in your area […]
New Client Design: Janet Nation
A warm, welcoming feeling was at the top of Janet Nation’s “must convey” list when we consulted with her on her branding project. With key words of “approachable” and “genuine”, she insisted on a brand that was not too formal or overly designed. The fireplace, which is a key element of her brand, immediately brings […]
It’s about time that somebody figured out that real estate agents have been fighting an uphill battle when it comes to short sales. After months of nightmare scenarios coming to life, Fannie Mae has finally done something about the problem. With new rules in place effective as of March 1, real estate agents will have […]
Routines, Powerful Tools for Your Real Estate Arsenal by Denise Lones
What’s the secret to success in any endeavor on Earth? One word—routines! What do I mean by routines? A routine is something that you do on a consistent basis that becomes second-nature to you. You do it without even thinking about it. Or it could be a learned behavior that you do for a short […]