car | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘car’

Ask Denise: Car Kit Checklist

Q: “Denise, I just bought a new car and am ready to really get it prepared as my mobile office. What do you suggest I include?” A: I have a special car kit checklist that is part of my Club Zebra PRO checklists that I am making available to you. Here you go! And if […]

Ask Denise: Mobile Office

Q: “Denise, I am trying to create a mobile office in my car since I seem to be out and about so much. I have also been called to meet with new clients at the last minute and I want to be prepared. But with my dogs and kids in and out of my car […]

Ask Denise: No Legroom?

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, the new cars for the year are coming out in a few weeks. I have been longing for a new car for a looong time! However, I am torn because the car I want doesn’t have enough legroom in the back for my passengers to ride comfortably. It seems, though, that buyers usually […]

Got Junk in Your Trunk? It’s Time to Organize Your Car!

woman removing bag from car trunk

You may or may not bring buyers on tour in your car, but as a real estate agent, you know the importance of having a clean car at the ready. Even though keeping a clean car is likely already on your radar, what about the keeping an organized car – where your trunk or storage […]

Ask Denise: Should I buy a new car?

Denise Lones

Q:  I am embarrassed by my work car and am trying to talk my husband into purchasing a new one. It isn’t too old, but as a family car it is “decorated” with crayons, dog hair, and smells funny. I clean it all the time, but the messes just come back. My husband feels that […]

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