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Posts Tagged ‘CAE’

Ask Denise: High Impact Project?

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, my business is quiet for the first time in months and I welcome the break. I am on track to have a great year and have a lot of clients who will be ready to move forward in a month or so. I want to take the next few weeks and, in addition […]

Ask Denise: Two Client Events?

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I am looking ahead towards fall and I want to have a client event this year. However, I have a diverse group of past clients. I can see an oil and water situation happening if I try to have one big event. What do you think about two different events? A:  You can […]

Ask Denise: Connecting with Database

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I need a better way to connect with my database. I don’t want to do a client appreciation event but I think I should try to connect in person. How do I reach out without making it look like I am fishing for referrals? A:  Easy – don’t fish for referrals! It makes […]

Ask Denise: Community Service Event

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I was on your call last week when you suggested that we do a community service client event. I love this idea because I always felt that traditional client appreciation events were too much about me, as I am on the shy side. This feels right to me! What are some other kinds […]

Community Service Client Appreciation Events

volunteers doing yard work

I am often asked what kind of client appreciation events are the most successful. I am a big fan of client appreciation events because they give you an opportunity to reconnect with your past clients. It is a time to celebrate your clients and to thank them for their business and loyalty. I have helped […]

Celebration Time – Come On!

Party favors

Client appreciation events should be an integral part of every agent’s annual business plan. They are a superb opportunity for you to thank your clients for their business – and their friendship! You may be shocked at the number of leads and referrals a client appreciation event can produce. A successful client appreciation event requires […]

Ask Denise: End of the Year Income Goal

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I am so close to meeting my income goal for the year. Yeah! However, I think I need another two transactions in the hopper to close by 12/31 to really make it. What do you suggest? A:  If this were me, there are three sure-fire things I would plan on doing to make […]

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