busy | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘busy’

Are You Riding the Wave or Treading in the Trough?

Ahhh…summer! On the one hand, I love summer. Warm days and nights. Time out by the water. My dogs frolicking with abandon. But I am always wary of summer because of what comes next. Once agents put away their swimsuits and flip flops panic mode sets in because they have been tending to their suntans […]

Ask Denise: No Time?

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I am juggling eight transactions right now and have been barely keeping my head above water since spring. I don’t see a break any time in the foreseeable future. My house is a disaster. My kids can’t live off pizza forever. I know it is time to hire an assistant, but I am […]

Ask Denise: Where To Start?

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I am nervous about evaluating my business because this year has been insanely busy! I have just been maintaining… I know I am going to owe a ton in taxes. I haven’t touched any projects for the year. I haven’t taken care of my database. And just the thought of spending time looking […]

Ask Denise: Too much work for time off

Denise Lones

Q:  I am supposed to be getting away for the long weekend, but I just have too much to do. I have two listings that have just come on and I know I am going to have a lot of inquiries and offers coming in. My husband is pressuring me to just leave it and […]

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