Evolution, not Revolution, is the key to a successful brand refresh! If you think about companies that have been around for decades, most of them go through a brand refresh at some point. Think about Pepsi, Starbucks, and even Google! It is rarer that a company undergoes a complete overhaul, but it happens when an […]
Posts Tagged ‘business advice’
Why You Need Rules in Your Business
Today I want to talk about having rules in your business and why it’s so important to stick to them in this market. I was talking with a client a few weeks ago, and they were very frustrated. This client was working with a buyer that started in one area and viewed all the listed […]
The Top 5 Actions of Super-Producing Agents
Are you working with clients you don’t really mesh well with? Are you spending money getting and chasing leads who don’t return your calls and emails? Do you agonize over keeping in contact with your past clients and in the end, never send anything? Do you find that every year you are working harder but […]
Where It All Began: My Love of Investing in Real Estate
From the time I was a child, I was always interested in what my parents were doing in their business. My father was a chef and owned restaurants and my mom was his loyal partner in crime. I remember washing dishes with them on the weekends when I was as young as five and six […]
Why Not NOW?
The #1 enemy of most real estate brokers today is procrastination. While most real estate brokers do not lack creativity, customer service or drive, many of them do lack the ability to get things done. This is not just specific to real estate brokers. Almost every professional in every field suffers from some level of […]
The Life Cycle of a Real Estate Client: What You Need to Know!
People ask me all the time what exactly real estate agents do besides show homes and put homes on the MLS for sale. That is such a broad subject that I often laugh when I get asked that question. Real estate agents are not just sales people; they are business owners, marketers, social media experts, […]
Ask Denise: Scheduling Mayhem!
Q: “Denise, I want to take some time for education this fall. I really feel like I need inspiration and some new ideas to energize my business. But if you were to look at my calendar you would freak out!! Seriously. Between taking care of my aging parents and shuttling them to appointments, dealing with […]
The Velcro Client: Why You Need Them and How to Get Them
It doesn’t seem like a week goes by without a new model of real estate company popping up threatening to undermine your business. These models are offering creative incentives and discounts to potential sellers and they are making real estate selling look very easy. Of course, there will always be competition in the real estate […]
Ask Denise: Doing Business with Family
Q: “Denise, my brother and sister-in-law are ready to become first time homebuyers in the next few months. They have asked me a few questions but haven’t really indicated they will be using me for that purchase. I don’t want to be pushy, but I would like their business. How should I proceed?” A: First, […]