being prepared | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘being prepared’

Ask Denise: Different Ways to Say “No”

Q: “Denise, I’m exhausted. I feel like I’m always chasing solutions and never have enough time for myself. I have to start saying no to something, but I don’t know where to start and I’m afraid of sounding rude.” A: Being over-committed is something many real estate agents struggle with. I’ve been there myself. You […]

Are Your Hands Full?

I want you to imagine you are out with your family at a picnic. You come across a large meadow full of blackberry bushes that are full of ripe juicy lush blackberries. You start to pick them and realize after a few minutes that your hands are full and you have nowhere to put any […]

September – The Gateway to Finishing the Year Strong

Today is July 20th so you might be wondering why I am talking about September. But September is just around the corner (doesn’t it seem like Memorial Day was just a few days ago?) and it is one of those make-it or break-it months in real estate. It can set you up for record-breaking success […]

The Accidental Business-Building Event

When I was actively selling real estate I stumbled upon one of the MOST amazing business building events.  I didn’t plan on it. I didn’t expect it. It just occurred from a single action I took for my sellers on their moving day which then became my signature act of kindness. It was fairly early […]

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