annual client review | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘annual client review’

Ask Denise: Client Holiday Gifts?

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I always wonder about what I should send to my clients this time of year. I usually just send a card, but others in my office are giving their clients wreaths, pies, and cookies. I do send a meaty personalized report in January, but am I missing the boat here? Should I just […]

Past Clients: Honoring Your Relationship Long After the Sale Is Over

woman holding annual property review

It is essential that real estate agents pay particular attention to where their business is coming from. If you are an agent who has been in the business five years or longer and you have taken care of your past clients, then you should have a good chunk of business from repeat clients and past […]

The Expertise Opportunity

agent guesturing to 2 clients

For this week’s Zebra Report, I’d like to start off with a quick exercise. Ready? Think about the last vendor you were really impressed with. It could be a lender, inspector, or it may not even be someone in the real estate industry. It could be a florist, an interior designer, an accountant, or even […]

Ask Denise: High Impact Project?

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, my business is quiet for the first time in months and I welcome the break. I am on track to have a great year and have a lot of clients who will be ready to move forward in a month or so. I want to take the next few weeks and, in addition […]

Ask Denise: Starting the New Year Right

Denise Lones

Q:  “Denise, it is the second week of the year and I feel like things should be moving for me already! What should I do?” A: First of all, relax. It is the 8th. People are just getting back to their routines and if you have some folks who are in your pipeline that aren’t […]

Ask Denise: Holiday Card

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, do you think I should send a yearly holiday card to my clients? A:  That is a question I get all the time during the holidays. I usually do prefer you do send real estate information mailer to your clients rather than a card, but I have a lot of clients who send […]

Ask Denise: Annual Neighborhood Review

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I am going to do the Annual Client Reviews for my clients. Thank you for the great idea! But I also want to take care of my farming database. What do you suggest? A:  Great question and good job on thinking about what you can do for your farm! As an agent, I […]

2014 Business Planning: Providing Stellar Service to Past Clients

Female agent in front of houses

My last two Zebra Reports (Increase Your Referral Base and Easy-to-Follow Referral Generating System) have illustrated not only the importance of staying in contact monthly with your database (made up of both potential and past clients, also called sphere of influence or SOI) but also an easy plan to follow that keeps you top of […]

Why You Should Be Doing Annual Client Reviews

Woman with clipboard by decorated house

I can just imagine the furrowed brows out there as you read this title. You’re probably thinking – what is this “Annual Client Review” that Denise is talking about … and why would I even care about it? When I was actively selling I was very successful. And I attributed a great deal of that […]

The Power of … Annual Client Reviews

It’s been many years since I actively sold real estate. But when I did, there was something I did which was the single most important activity I undertook each year for my clients. No, it wasn’t throwing a party for my clients each year.  And no, it wasn’t holding open houses, doing geographic farming, or […]

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