Q: Denise, with all the options available today, what’s a good source of news in the real estate industry? A: Your MLS. If you want to know what the real estate market is doing, you have the best place to track it right at your fingertips. Do you know how many houses have sold in your area […]
Archive for the ‘Technology’ Category
Ask Denise: Template vs Custom Websites
Q: My company has a template website available for me. It’s nice looking and is very inexpensive. I’m wondering if I’m better off creating a custom website? A: Yes, absolutely. I use the analogy of taking the bus or driving a car. With a template website, it’s similar to being on a bus with a whole lot […]
Ask Denise: On Online Lead Generation
Q: “Denise, what do you think about online lead generation?” A: Online lead generation is simply a way for you to get people’s names and contact information in front of you. But it’s still a cold lead. You don’t know them. They don’t know you. Leads that are colder are harder to convert. If you […]
Ask Denise: On Facebook
Q: “Denise, should I have a Facebook page for my real estate business?” A: Absolutely, “if”. The “if” is this: “If” you’re willing to work at it. You can’t just put up a Facebook page and never monitor it. If you don’t stay on top of it, then there’s no point in having one. You […]
Ask Denise: Why is my online lead generation faltering?
Q: “Denise, why is my online lead generation faltering?” A: Online lead generation is nothing more than putting your name, your business, and your services out there hoping that people are interested. There are two reasons online generation doesn’t work: You don’t have a website that is search-engine optimized and includes content that is compelling to […]
Is Technology Driving You Forward or Holding You Back?
For any business owner, technology is a powerful tool. When used to its full potential, it helps you save time, make money, and can make the previously impossible a possibility. On the flipside, technology is equally as powerful in its ability to slow you down. It can cost you money. It can create huge challenges […]
Email Management Tips
It’s about time we had a little discussion about email. It is one of the biggest challenges I see agents dealing with every day. I bet you know what I mean. It starts in the morning like a slow drip of a faucet – one, two, three, and then suddenly there are ten email messages […]
3 Tips for Online Success by Denise Lones
By Denise Lones M.I.R.M., CSP With so much of our world online, it’s a wonder agents don’t go crazy making decisions about “the best” online marketing for them. Blog sites. Social networking sites. Business networking sites. Video sites. It can feel overwhelming. If you’re a recovering technophobe (like me), I’m here to tell you exactly […]