Sellers | The Zebra Blog

Archive for the ‘Sellers’ Category

Need Listings? The 4 Letters That Can Revolutionize Your Listing Lead Generation Strategy

Tired of tech and want an easy-to-execute listing lead strategy? If you think it sounds too good to be true, it’s not. I developed my Letters for Listings series more than two decades ago. Although the series has been updated, the mechanics are as basic as they were more than 20 years ago, and perhaps even […]

Leave a Lasting Impression at Your Next Listing Presentation

Picture it. Your potential seller’s dining room. 7:32 pm.  You have reviewed their home, provided them with information on pricing, and have shown all your materials. Do you ask for the business? Ask if they are interviewing other agents? Whip out a listing agreement? This is a make-it or break-it moment for all your hard […]

Open Houses on Holiday Weekends

Today, I’m talking about running open houses during busy holiday weekends. I had a question yesterday from one of my clients, “Do you do have an open house on a holiday weekend? Don’t you? What has that been like?” To answer that, I want to give some perspective and talk about the do’s and don’ts. […]

Your Closing Statement – A Powerful Ending!

Today I want to talk about the importance of having a strong final or closing statement that you can say to your clients.  This is extremely important, especially in this highly competitive market.  When you are on a listing appointment it is important to remember that you are often competing against other agents and you […]

Motivating Sellers – Opportunity Sellers vs Life-Change Sellers

If you are creating a campaign to attract sellers, one of the elements that is likely top-of-mind is your call-to-action. A call-to-action is that piece of information that creates urgency and causes a potential seller to pick up the phone. For example, if you have presented information on a median sales price increase in a […]

The Danger of Not Doing Your Research Before You Open Your Mouth

I received a call recently from a client that was upset because she had lost a listing that she was sure she was going to get from a past client.  When I asked her why she thought she did not get the listing she told me that she had no idea.  So, I asked her […]

Refinancing & The Adverse Market Fee

There was BIG NEWS today in the mortgage world. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae announced that they were granted permission from the Federal Housing and Finance agency to charge an “ADVERSE MARKET FEE” of .50% on all refinance loans. This fee which the lenders are saying is to address risk management because of the current […]

Ask Denise: How do I Capture the Vacation Boom?

Q: “Denise, I work in a rural area that has a fair trickle of vacation home traffic this time of year, but I am shocked at the pace of this market. It seems like as soon as something comes on the market, it is under contract in a crazy short number of days. I thought […]

Branding Spotlight: Virtual Listing Presentation

Are you ready to make a powerful impact in listing presentations, while maintaining social distancing? We are here to help you construct the perfect presentation for a guided tour of your services and expertise — whether you are meeting virtually or in-person! Our interactive Virtual Listing Presentation package is an interactive and highly visual PDF […]

Ask Denise: Addressing the Elephant

Q: “Denise, I had a really odd thing happen yesterday that I can’t stop thinking about and am wondering how I should move forward. I have been working for about two months with my sellers, helping them get their home ready to go on the market in the next three weeks. Although we don’t have […]

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