Lead Generation for Real Estate Agents | The Zebra Blog

Archive for the ‘Lead Generation for Real Estate Agents’ Category

Ask Denise: Jump-Start the Pipeline

Q: “Denise, I am a little bit concerned about my pipeline. This time of year it is usually overflowing, but right now, I only have two clients in there who are going to be ready in a month or two. What are some things I should do to get things moving?” A: Although there are […]

Ask Denise: Frustrating Farming

Q: “Denise, ugh! I am so frustrated by my farm area! I have been sending out postcards every few months for a year and no bites! I did the research and the numbers indicated this is a hot area and I should be seeing listings. What am I doing wrong?” A: First of all, don’t […]

Ask Denise: Listing Letters

Q: “Denise, I have a listing coming up and I heard about some letter campaign that you recommend for the neighbors. Can you tell me about that?” A: Yes! In fact, this campaign of three letters are making my clients a lot of money. One of my new clients, in fact, started doing this campaign […]

Ask Denise: Breaking Away from Bad Leads

Q: “Denise, I have about 50% of my business coming from a relocation company which sounds great, right? I get around 20 transactions per year from this lead generation source. But at the end of the day, what I am paying in referral fees back to this company is atrocious! I did the math and […]

The Grass is Not Greener – Water Your Lawn and Reap the Benefits!

It is not even the end of the first week of January and already I have had NUMEROUS agents contact me to ask if they should sign up for the “latest and greatest” online marketing lead generation program. Sales people are out in force this week, so if your phone has been ringing off the […]

Ask Denise: Database Mailers

Q: “Denise, this year I am committed to building a stronger relationship with my past clients and my database. These are the people I want to do more business with so I am stepping up my communications with them. Right now I send a design magazine which is customized for me once every-other month. It […]

Ask Denise: Choosing a Farm

Q: “Denise, I have been mailing to my database each and every month for the last few years, and have decided that since I am already doing that, it wouldn’t be that much harder to add a second mailing and send it to a neighborhood. Anything I need to look for as I choose an […]

Ask Denise: Experience Book

Q: “Denise, if I added one thing to my listing presentation this year, what would you recommend?” A: An Experience Book. Hands-down, this is one of my favorite tools to have in this market. Choose six to ten of your recent listings, include photos, samples of your marketing for that listing, challenges that were overcome, […]

Be on the Lookout for Up-and-Coming Communities

Recently I had a client call me to discuss how excited she was about writing an offer on an exciting new community in her area. I asked her if it was a community that I happen to know a lot about. She was so surprised that I had so much knowledge about it even though […]

Listing Presentation MUST HAVE’S

Gone are the days when you can just saunter into a listing presentation and hope your big smile and sunny personality will win over the potential sellers. The challenge today is that there are too many agents competing for the same listings because there are too few listings and too many agents. With listings being […]

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