Communication, Client Care, and Follow-up | The Zebra Blog

Archive for the ‘Communication, Client Care, and Follow-up’ Category

Good Old-Fashioned Client Care – Your Best Business Asset!

If I had a dollar for every time one of my clients asked me my opinion about the latest and greatest business building product or gimmick, I would be a multi-millionaire. Agents are always looking for ways to improve their business model and to increase their income, but they often overlook their best asset. The […]

Personalities and Pending to Close – Your Golden Opportunity!

A highly-overlooked referral opportunity in an agent’s business is the “pending to closing” process. And the more you can tune into a client’s personality during this time, the more effective you can be with that client. In fact, when done correctly this process can yield an incredible referral business. When a buyer or seller is […]

Ask Denise: Past Client Care

Q: Denise, I have been burned by past clients this last year. I have had 3-4 people who wound up going with another agent. I am mailing my past clients and sphere each month, but I don’t call or see them live. Is the monthly mailer enough? Do I need to do more? I am […]

Ask Denise: Delivering Bad News

Q: “Denise, I get so much anxiety when I have bad news to tell a client. I get shaky, I can’t breathe, and I just dread their reaction because I can’t tell how they are going to react. I know I overanalyze and should just jump in, but I just can’t!” A: Handling conflict…even if […]

The Top 5 Actions of Super-Producing Agents

Are you working with clients you don’t really mesh well with? Are you spending money getting and chasing leads who don’t return your calls and emails? Do you agonize over keeping in contact with your past clients and in the end, never send anything? Do you find that every year you are working harder but […]

Ask Denise: County vs Community

Q: “Denise, I am working on creating some mailing templates for my database with your company. My question is regarding statistics and information. I have clients all over the county, but I would ideally like to work in a smaller area. Do I include stats for the whole county or just the area that I […]

Direct Mail vs. Email

There isn’t a week that goes by that an agent tells me that they have decided to keep in touch with their past clients and sphere database primarily by an email newsletter. That email may be created by their company or it may be custom-created in MailChimp or Constant Contact, but the more important issue […]

Is Your Prospect A Time Waster?

How do you tell the difference between good and bad prospects? One will waste your time, dragging you from house to house-getting all kinds of information from you-only to end up dumping you right before writing an offer. You also have clients who seem like time wasters, but they’re just very analytical and thorough in […]

Ask Denise: Cross-Industry Databases

Q: “Denise, I am a fairly new agent but have spent years in the industry as a mortgage broker. I really know about every local real estate professional from agents to other lenders to people in title, appraisers, inspectors, and more. For me, making connections has always been easy and I am still a member […]

11 Secrets to Geo Farming Success

Many real estate agents utilize geographical farming to build a strong predictable lead generation system. It is easy to send postcards to your farm and call it good but is that getting you the results you want?  If not, then it is time to make some tweaks to build a strong PERSONAL PRESENCE. When I […]

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