Branding Spotlight: Tim Tiller | The Zebra Blog

Branding Spotlight: Tim Tiller

Tim Tiller started his custom branding journey with big goals in mind: building real estate teams in Arizona and Missouri. We have created a suite of foundational templates for agent and team branding that will work for both locations. The Arizona team is under the name “Southwest Horizon” and the Missouri team will be “Midwest Horizon.”

His new custom logo combines a roofline, an “H” monogram, and a sunrise. The horizon theme is carried into the footer of most of his templates with a soft golden glow above the strong footer. The curvy divider line of the header mimics Tim’s signature, which connects the two Ts in his name with a similar wave. Altogether, the brand combines Tim’s personal and professional team styles to give his future teams an edge in marketing and client care right from the start.

Call us at 360-527-8904 or email today!


Curious about how your personal style can be represented in a professional brand? Book a branding consultation today!

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