Q: “Denise, I have been trying to keep a positive attitude during COVID, but I am just not a work-from-home type of agent. I like being in the office and find I am much more productive there. However, my office has become a ghost town with no energy! I find myself getting distracted because it is too quiet! I need some life around me! Any suggestions?”
A: You are not the only one with this dilemma. Those people who feed off of “people energy” are having a very difficult time right now. We are losing the fun and energizing moments that happen in passing and rarely on a scheduled Zoom meeting. But I just heard about something this week that you might want to try with a work buddy or two. Get on Zoom, but instead of having a conversation, just work with your colleagues. If something is frustrating you about the task you are working on, vent like you would in an office. If your co-worker sighs, ask them what’s up. It is a more-natural, “I am here for you” type of feeling!