Q: “Denise, I have really enjoyed your Denise Live sessions over the last five weeks on personalities. I have learned so much! I have been approaching my clients differently now that I have figured out their personalities and I have gotten AMAZING RESULTS! I have some buyers who were totally MIA who are now back to communicating with me. I even used it with my husband! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Now I have a request. Can you please give me some more tools to use in conflict with these various personalities? I am a supporter and conflict makes me want to run and hide. Help!”
A: You are in luck! We have had several requests for more conflict work so our next four weeks will be exactly that – dealing with different personalities in conflict. You, like most supporters, have a difficult time in conflict. Luckily, your nature makes you one of the easiest personalities to forge your way through it to the other side because you are the most willing to work with the other person. That makes you a master problem-solver! You just need some tools for getting through it without getting squashed. I look forward to helping you build your conflict-resolution muscle!
All Club Zebra PRO members are welcome to join me for this special four-part series Tuesday mornings at 9:00 am Pacific. Not a Club Zebra member? Join the Club for just $9.95 your first month.
Club Zebra PRO Members can also watch the entire personality series to catch up:
- Personalities Overview
- Forging Strong Relationships with Supporters
- Chasing the Incredible – Working with Promoters
- Get Your Facts Straight – Working with Controllers
- Making Solid Decisions – Working with Analyticals
Not sure what your personality type is? Take our free assessment!