Q: “Denise, I am just sick. I just helped a friend sell their house. At my recommendation, they put their home on the market this spring as I indicated it was a great time to sell. They prepped the home and put it on the market just as many additional sellers did the same thing at the same price point. The seller’s home sat on the market, went through several price reductions, and finally sold for $25,000 less than the price I gave them originally. The timing was just lousy. They are in a new home now and are happy about the change, but our relationship has suffered. I feel awful. I have apologized, but I don’t know how I can mend this $25,000 fence.”
A: Real estate situations affect relationships all the time. This is a classic example of this. Real estate agents make themselves feel guilty for things they may not have control of. You don’t have control over all the other sellers who came in the market. You don’t have control over all the buyers in the market. You do have a responsibility to present the facts of the market to the seller and they have control over whether they are in the market or not. In this case, did you have a conversation with the sellers when you proposed a price reduction and let them know it was their choice to be in the market or not? Did you let them know their options? If so, then you have done what you need. Release your guilt and continue to be in touch with your clients and friends about the value of their property and information on the market. Hopefully time will mend the relationship.