A number of brokers have asked me recently if it’s too late to send out the holiday card or mailer that they had planned to send out by December 10th. In fact, one of my clients has all of her holiday cards addressed, stamped and ready to go but she is worried that now it’s too late and she has lost the moment.
Stop trying to be perfect! So what if it’s the 20th and not the 10th? In fact, it may even be better. Maybe your clients were too busy to appreciate your early holiday greetings. Maybe being able to open something closer to Christmas — or even after Christmas – might be a pleasant surprise.
Its never too late to do something nice for your clients!
And stop trying to be perfect in other areas of your life too. It’s not the end of the world if the presents are not wrapped to perfection or the if meal that you prepare isn’t as good as it was last year. The bottom line is that if you’re with family and friends, you need to enjoy the moment. Take time over the holidays to just be still and to appreciate the people around you.
Laugh at the overcooked imperfect broccoli and the mess left at the end of your holiday dinner. These are the moments that matter. Take time for yourself, take time to enjoy moments, take some photographs to remember what matters. Be thankful for all you have and who you have.
One of my favorite holiday memories was the year I put a beautiful hickory glaze over my ham, and that smoky smell I thought was the hickory was my ham burning. I remember opening the oven and being horrified that the centerpiece of my dinner menu was ruined. Everyone knows I am a pretty good cook, so this was embarrassing! I had to ask myself “Now what?” I decided at that moment to lift the ham out of the oven and carry it into the living room where my guests were seated.
And that’s when I learned one of life’s great lessons: that being perfect is lonely. As I stood there holding my burnt ham, you could have heard a pin drop as everyone looked at me in horror and surprise. I could tell that they were all shocked to see that Miss Perfect Denise wasn’t quite so perfect after all. One of my guests finally broke the ice and said “Oh my goodness, I did the same thing 3 years ago.” The room then turned into one funny cooking horror story after the other and it made for one of the most memorable holidays of all times. Who knew you could get Chinese food delivery on a major holiday?
Your family and your friends love you just the way you are. Stop trying to perfect and start enjoying the moment!