It is not even the end of the first week of January and already I have had NUMEROUS agents contact me to ask if they should sign up for the “latest and greatest” online marketing lead generation program. Sales people are out in force this week, so if your phone has been ringing off the hook, know that you are in good company. There are a number of exciting and generous enticing specials that are being offered by lead generation companies with aggressive sales people reaching out to agents are ready to invest in their business in with the goal of a profitable year ahead.
But before you give out your credit card or sign on the dotted line you better take a good hard look at the realities of online lead generation programs. While I do believe they offer the agent a sense of security that there will be leads coming their way, I am not convinced that they are the business-builders that agents believe they are. Oftentimes, online leads take a lot longer to convert and agents spend precious time chasing looky-loos.
But don’t despair! There is a great lead generation system that is ALREADY at your fingertips!
I have worked with so many agents over the past few years that have spent thousands of dollars trying to buy their way into avoiding a feast or famine business. However, the ONLY way you can ever famine-proof your business is to create a robust system for improving the way you take care of your clients before, during and after the transaction. I always tell my clients that if they want to ensure a business that is thriving and growing they need to invest time and energy into PEOPLE, not money into online lead generation programs.
You need to invest in connecting with your clients whether they are potential, current or past clients. You need to get to know how they like to be communicated with and deliver concierge client care the way they prefer. Don’t spend your money and waste your valuable time running from pillar to post with online leads that may never do anything when you have a goldmine of potential and past clients that will take GREAT care of you if you take care of them.
Remember, the grass is ALWAYS greenest where you water it! So don’t rip up your sod or move…water the lawn that is in front of you.
Take the time to create a Potential and Past Client program that will impress your clients and keep them loyal to you. You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars trying to find the magic pill when you have everything you need right in front of you to create the thriving business you deserve. Use your time and your money wisely and invest in your clients that you know will be there for you long term.
I’ve been getting bombarded as well! Thanks for the great reminder.
I got a call yesterday from someone I could barely understand, asking me if I work with sellers who want to sell their homes. Good thing I already had an appointment I had to scoot off to!