Ask Denise: Rejection | The Zebra Blog

Ask Denise: Rejection

Q: “My client refused to do a review for me! What do I do?”

A: Before you go jumping to conclusions and assume that they don’t want to review you because you must have done something wrong consider these 3 points.

1. Your client may be the type of person that doesn’t want their name ANYWHERE on line. With so much online fraud and identity theft some people feel the safest thing to do is not be anywhere online.A great way around this is to put in your review request document or email a list of possible places the review will be and allow them to check off the places they are comfortable with.  Your clients are much more likely to complete a review if they know where it is going.

2. There are many clients out there that just do not like writing anything. The best way to get a review from them is to ask them to rate your services by providing them a document that they can simply check off.

3. Many clients don’t have the time they need to do their own things let alone do a review for you. The key is to make it super easy for them.

If you want to get reviews from your clients, you need to also pay attention to their personality type.  Some personality types would gladly do a video for you while others would cringe at the mere thought of that.  Others prefer checking off a list of traits while others are happy to write you a glowing review, your job is to figure out what suites your clients.

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