Ask Denise: Theme Word for 2018 | The Zebra Blog

Ask Denise: Theme Word for 2018

Q: “Denise, I am trying to determine my word or go-to theme for 2018. I am thinking of “Transactions”. What do you think?”

A: If your goal is to get more transactions done in 2018, while I think that is great, your goal or theme should be based on action that you need to take. Transactions seems more like the result that you want from the action you are taking, but you don’t ultimately have control over those results. You can only control action.

What about something that is focused on the action you are taking to getting those transactions? Such as Client Connections, Past Client Follow-Up, Farm Expansion, or Video? Then you need to have rules around what action you will take.

If you would like to learn more about creating a word or theme for the upcoming year, read here.

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