Have you ever wondered why some real estate agents seem to be able to weather any real estate storms and still come out on top? Regardless of what is happening in the market they seem to always be busy and thriving. They aren’t experiencing the typical peaks and valleys that most agents go through. These agents, whether they know it or not, have found their winning formula.
Here are some of the things that top-producing agents have in common.
- They are available to their clients and their response time is “fast” – The Top-Producing agent is very aware of the importance of fast response time for their clients. They know that without happy clients their business will not grow. They drop everything they are doing to respond quickly. They don’t avoid their clients when there is conflict or bad news and they know how their clients like to be communicated with. They work hard to get to know their clients and their communication preferences.
- They make daily lists – Top-Producing agents are task-focused and they make to-do lists and action plans. They either make these lists on paper (the good old-fashioned way) or they make them on their phones or in their computers. These lists guide them throughout the day and they work hard to complete their “to do” items. They are productive and they get things done.
- They respond to leads quickly and they have a program for handling these leads – Top-Producing agents instinctively come to life when speaking with a new lead. They find new potential clients to be challenging and exciting. They love new clients and they aren’t afraid of talking with people they have never met before.
- They have invested in their online presence – Top-Producing agents know that they must keep up with technology and they understand that potential clients will “check them out” online before they are hired. They have invested in a mobile friendly website and they have claimed their online profiles. Top-Producing agents know the importance of having a strong online presence.
- They have invested in creating a strong brand – Top-Producing agents realize the importance of a personal brand. They don’t rely on their company’s branding; they want to have their own brand. They work hard to keep their name and branding in front of their clients.
- They have systems in their business – Top-Producing agents often do not even realize that they have systems that work effectively for them. I have asked many Top-Producing agents what their secret to success is and after much discussion it is evident that they have developed systems in their business that work for them so they don’t have to constantly re-invent the wheel.
If you want to be a Top-Producing agent you need to start with the basics of personal self-discipline, routine and systems. You must invest back into your business and respond quickly to potential, current and past clients.
If you are in need of a systems and habits reboot please join me at an upcoming Real Estate Safari in the Seattle Area:
The Total Transformation: Proven Systems – A Customized Approach
October 4th and 5th in Issaquah, WA
October 24th and 25th in Lynnwood, WA
$49 or $150 for 15 clock hours