Q: “Denise, I have been on the fence for a while about building a brand. My company supplies some materials and I get by with other materials from companies that offer postcard templates. Is having my own brand really all that different? Do people really pay attention? Is it worth the investment?”
A: Having your own brand is really all that different, yes people pay attention, and hands-down this investment will come back to you time and time again in spades. Agents who have invested the time and money into creating a brand and developing systems around that brand can easily point to multiple transactions per year they may have not have gotten if they didn’t have eye-catching materials.
If you would like to learn more about the power of branding and how agents across the country are putting this power to work for them, please join me for my upcoming Power of Branding webinar:
July 24th at 12:00 pm Pacific Time. It is completely free!
Click here to view our event calendar and register for the webinar.