Q: Denise, my seller is insisting on keeping his house that is on the market heated to only 60 degrees this winter. What do I tell him?
A: Tell him your truth! It sounds as if you are very concerned about the buyer impression of the home when they tour. You are concerned that the buyers will be cold and uncomfortable. You are concerned that any potential buyers may worry about what is wrong with drafts, windows or the heating system and that is why it is so cold. You may even worry about whether damage is being done to the systems due to the cold and humidity.
My advice would be to let the seller know of your concerns but also to come armed with some information. If the seller is truly concerned about money and paying the utilities, how much would it truly be on a daily basis to heat the home to 68 versus 60? Would a seller likely make up that cost or lose even more than that if the home sits on the market?
Approach from a caring and informational perspective. Be able to clearly articulate your thoughts and concerns.