Her name is Matilyn (I call her Mati or Monkey) and she is one of my daughter’s best friends. After years of her spending time in my home and at horse shows together she has become my friend too. In fact, my daughter jokes that when Mati comes to visit, she is really coming to visit me. Mati is one of the most persistent people I have EVER met in my whole entire life and to say she has edged her way into my life and my heart is an understatement.
Like my daughter, she has worked very hard over the years to pursue her dream of riding at the college level with a tenacity that commands respect. She knows what she wants and she goes after it with a passion that is inspiring and she is only 18. My daughter and Mati have spent countless hours riding together, showing horses, travelling, grooming horses and everything else in between. I have watched Mati grow up to be a strong, persistent, and smart young lady with boundless energy and a positive attitude.
Over the years I have watched Mati hold numerous jobs just to be able to ride the horses she so loves with a work ethic that is beyond inspiring. She is reliable, hard-working, entrepreneurial and she is gives everything she does one-hundred percent of her effort.
When I first met Mati I actually thought she was a little crazy. She sat in the back of my car on the way to a horse show and quite frankly she was a little weird to say the least. At first her energy and craziness bugged me a little, but over time her persistence in life, including being persistent with building a strong relationship with me, has become something I treasure.
It was Mati’s persistence that created the bond we have today. Her daily crazy Snapchat videos to me, regular text messages, her going out of her way to bring me an iced tea, and the gift she gave me at Christmas are what won me over and now this is a relationship that I cultivate as well.
So what is the message in all of this for you? I work with agents every day who doubt their abilities or become fearful when the business is not as busy as they would like. Sometimes this fear is paralyzing, causing agents to not take action. If those agents could only take a little bit of Mati’s persistence and consistency they could go a very long way in becoming successful.
I encourage you to take a look at your own list of relationships and ask yourself, have you done what it takes to cultivate these relationships? Think about your potential clients especially. Have you taken the time to make yourself irresistible to your potential clients?
Take a page out of the “Mati Sales Training Manual” and be persistent with building relationships in your business.