Ask Denise: Friends and Family Discount? | The Zebra Blog

Ask Denise: Friends and Family Discount?

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I have received a few potential listing calls lately from my friends and distant family members wanting me to discount my commission. I don’t want to be rude, but it isn’t going to be like I am doing any less work for them and quite honestly, sometimes it is a lot more! What should I do?

A:  Your best bet is to create a rule or policy around this so you always have an answer at the ready and don’t feel like you are backed into a corner. You may decide that you do have a friends and family discount, or you may not. If you do, decide on what that is. It doesn’t have to be a percentage point. It could be a dollar amount, like $500. Or it could be that for listings you commit to doing  a property marketing video or a photo book. For buyers, maybe you provide a home warranty for a year. It doesn’t always have to be about commission! But determine what you want to do, if anything, and create a rule around it in your business!



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One Response to “Ask Denise: Friends and Family Discount?”

  1. Lorne Lentz says:

    My dad once suggested that since they were family they should be motivated to bonus my commission. 🙂

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