Ask Denise: Need More Listings? | The Zebra Blog

Ask Denise: Need More Listings?

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, as per your request, I am currently going through my 2015 numbers and comparing the number of buyer solds versus the number of listings sold. I was stunned to learn that I had waaaaay more buyers than sellers. Holy cow, no wonder I am so tired! It is clear that in order to have more quality of life that I focus more on listings next year. So what do I need to do?

A:  First of all, I am so glad that you have taken the time to do the work which has led you to this revelation. If you are already doing a great job staying in touch with your past clients, then let’s focus on lead generation options that will bring you that type of client:

  • MLS Shortage Marketing– This is a great lead generation faucet that you can turn on and turn off as you need listings. It consists of finding specific shortages of types of inventory in your MLS and marketing to those property owners who own that type of property.
  • Expired Listings  – Some markets are in short supply of expired listings while in others, this is still a very viable lead generation method. If you think your market is in short supply, looking at the cancelled listings might be an option as sometimes agents cancel a listing that is about to expire to avoid having other agents call. This is another example of lead generation that you can turn on and turn off as you need listings.
  • Geographical Farming – Although this takes time, over time this is a very reliable way to get consistent listings in your business. But you need a plan and you need to be consistent implementing that plan. The key with farming is to determine your budget first. Don’t be afraid if your budget only allows you to mail to 100 or 200 people. You can always grow that database as you get results.

Implementation is key! You can’t expect your business to miraculously change without
taking action.


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2 Responses to “Ask Denise: Need More Listings?”

  1. Hello Denise and the Lones Group!

    In regard to this tip:

    MLS Shortage Marketing– This is a great lead generation faucet that you can turn on and turn off as you need listings. It consists of finding specific shortages of types of inventory in your MLS and marketing to those property owners who own that type of property.

    What is the best way to find the property owners who own that type of property that we’re short? Would you recommend going on our local GIS maps and finding them one by one in the neighborhoods where we are short, or using Realist and printing labels?

    Thank you!


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